Thanks D-Notice!
You've Been Memed
Thanks for that www.d-notice.blogspot.
So here is what you do:
So I am now to compose "6 weird facts/habits" I possess which can not be used against me. Hmm. Sounds like fun, right? I hope you think so, Chandra, B, Eric, and Cassie.
(sorryI don't really know a lot of people with blogs, 4 will have to do.)
Well, let's just get this over with.
1. I still like to play dress up. How else is one to pass a rainy Sunday? At home it was ball gowns and vintage dresses. Here it is buisness dresses and professional garb. Kinda ho-hum, but I do what I can.
2. I have a rather perverse sense of humor. For instance, I wanted to take pictures of my puss-filled blistering feet and post them, because I'd get a sick laugh out of it. But my digital camera has been broken since Yalta.
3. I enjoy reading celebrity gossip mags. I know that stuff rots your brain, but I suppose this just in some ways goes back to #2. So if you have old ones around, forget about taking them to the dentists office. Send them to me. Besides, I can bring them to class and make use of photos and articles.
4. I collect tea towels. If that is not the lamest thing in the world to collect, I beg you to tell me what is. Now, before you get excited and send me your dead Aunt Minnie's collection, I only collect certain types of tea towels-those souvenir-ee ones of places I've lived. I've sought long and hard on e-bay for these and my collection is near complete. Only need NY state and now Ukraine. Oh, and I did like a Norway one so much I bought it, but I put it in the bathroom.
5. I have an obscenely bad stomach, so bathroom talk comes extremely easy for me and surprises most people, even those with similar afflications and turns off more refined individuals. Seriously though, what choice does one really have if you never know when it's gonna hit--where you're gonna be--or who you're gonna be with? This could also explain #2.
6. I always go for the cheap laugh, which means making fun of your ex-boyfriends and girlfriends. In my classroom here it means speaking in Russian. It never fails to make the room laugh out loud.
And there you have it.
So here is what you do:
- Post six weird facts/habits about yourself. These cannot be used against you later on.
- At the bottom name the six people you will tag next.
- Leave them a comment to let them know they’ve been tagged and to read your blog.
So I am now to compose "6 weird facts/habits" I possess which can not be used against me. Hmm. Sounds like fun, right? I hope you think so, Chandra, B, Eric, and Cassie.
(sorryI don't really know a lot of people with blogs, 4 will have to do.)
Well, let's just get this over with.
1. I still like to play dress up. How else is one to pass a rainy Sunday? At home it was ball gowns and vintage dresses. Here it is buisness dresses and professional garb. Kinda ho-hum, but I do what I can.
2. I have a rather perverse sense of humor. For instance, I wanted to take pictures of my puss-filled blistering feet and post them, because I'd get a sick laugh out of it. But my digital camera has been broken since Yalta.
3. I enjoy reading celebrity gossip mags. I know that stuff rots your brain, but I suppose this just in some ways goes back to #2. So if you have old ones around, forget about taking them to the dentists office. Send them to me. Besides, I can bring them to class and make use of photos and articles.
4. I collect tea towels. If that is not the lamest thing in the world to collect, I beg you to tell me what is. Now, before you get excited and send me your dead Aunt Minnie's collection, I only collect certain types of tea towels-those souvenir-ee ones of places I've lived. I've sought long and hard on e-bay for these and my collection is near complete. Only need NY state and now Ukraine. Oh, and I did like a Norway one so much I bought it, but I put it in the bathroom.
5. I have an obscenely bad stomach, so bathroom talk comes extremely easy for me and surprises most people, even those with similar afflications and turns off more refined individuals. Seriously though, what choice does one really have if you never know when it's gonna hit--where you're gonna be--or who you're gonna be with? This could also explain #2.
6. I always go for the cheap laugh, which means making fun of your ex-boyfriends and girlfriends. In my classroom here it means speaking in Russian. It never fails to make the room laugh out loud.
And there you have it.
Oh, OK then, I'll allow you to meme only four people ;-)
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