Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Monday, September 17, 2007


Arriving in the evening by boat, I did not get settled in until near evening. I strolled down the street to the old fortressed city and immediately were enchanted. There are certain times in life when you know you are experiencing something that you will be unable to articulate later. Walking down the many stairs to the medieval city below, I knew that this would be one of these times. Magical is the only word that I could think of to describe it.

I went back in the day and walked the entirety of the walls. It was incredibly hot and I was practically exhausted, but the views were so wonderful that I wanted to keep going, despite the hot sun.

Dubrovnik was also the last stop in Croatia, and despite the fun, I had a heavy heart knowing that I had to leave Dalmatia. I'd have to head back to Ukraine and my life as a Peace Corps Volunteer--that the adventure I was having would have to end.

I don't think that I have had my fill of Dubrovnik or Croatia. It is a country that deserves further exploration and appreciation.


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