Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Thanks to those of you who wrote and wished me a happy birthday.

It was a good one, spending it with my beautiful linkmate, Christa, and her husband, Pasha in their lovely home and city.

Christa and I baked a cake and ate mashed potatoes. It was quiet, comfy, and just what I needed before embarking on my journey.

On Sunday we went to his father's house for a nice spread and to fill me up before catching the train to Uzhgorod, where I was hoping to leave Ukraine for the last time. Both of them were so kind as to see me off to the train station and to watch me as I left.

As the train pulled away and tears lined my eyes, I felt so fortunate to have created such strong bonds here in Ukraine with so many unique, loving, and giving people, both Ukrainian and American.


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