Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Early Morning Bucharest

Arriving in the a.m. ready to catch my flight after getting little sleep in my first class wagon from Sighisoara to Bucharest I found some taxi drivers waiting. ¨To the airport, how much?¨ I asked. 100 lei was the response. I had only intended to spend 20 lei, 50 maximium. I then said that it was the closer of the two airports and the cost was halved. Still not good enough to me, I offered 20 and got no takers, so I walked away. This time the younger of the 3 drivers said ok, put my stuff in the trunk and when he reached traffic changed his mind and acted like he didn´t understand the arrangement. I was stuck. We were in traffic and I´d have no chance of finding a cab where I was. The train had arrived 45 minutes later than I had expected (Ukraine has everyone on that score--trains usually run on time and you can sleep on them comfortably) so I had even less time to change course.

This however did not sit well with me and I yelled at him and he kept saying I wasn´t clear, he didn´t understand, blah blah blah.

I started yelling in Russian because he was pissing me off so much and used some colorful English words that caught his attention. When I told him ¨you are ripping me off¨ he actually smiled. I thought maybe tears would change his mind and forced myself to cry a bit--but he only asked what the problem was, like he didn´t know.

When I did get to the airport, thankfully everything did go smoothly, but I have never been so happy to leave a place as I was that morning.


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