Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Progress, slow but steady...

Well, so I write an awful lot about my thesis, but what is actually going on? I'm sure that you ask yourself that frequently, as I ask myself that very same question. For the past two days I have been fairly diligent (for me) in attempting to put together a rough draft of my second chapter, which is about Bill Clinton and the AmeriCorps program. The more I write, the more I delve into the Democratic Leadership Council, and less about the program and the partisan politics involved during the Clinton administration, but this moderate movement of the liberal party is interesting to me. Tomorrow (or later this evening) I will concentrate on writing about two Congressional hearings about the Corporation for National Service & AmeriCorps.

I went to the library this afternoon to pick up Bill Clintons My Life, as that book was in demand earlier this semester, but with all the kiddies gone, I figure it's safe to lug that huge book back to my pad for the summer. While I was at the library, I ran into no less than three colleagues, which only goes to show how hard working my department is! Go us! On the way out, when I was checking out all my Bill Clinton books, the dude asked me about AmeriCorps (because like Rummy and Ashcroft, he's got access to the books I've checked out) and I tell him that I was in the program, I'm doing my thesis about it, blah blah blah. He says that he's interested in doing the new program here in Wood County and has me talk to another library worker who is doing an internship this summer setting the program up.

It's cool to see that other people are interested in doing the program, as I always try to talk highly about it in public. The only issues I have with the program are more political anyway, not anything that would have me tell someone not to do it. It certainly changed my life, and I'm glad that the program still exists, even if it has taken on a 1984-sort of mentality. I wish that the program allowed for more of a political voice, for if your goal is to engage citizens and educate them on what being a 'good citizen' is all about, for goodness sake, let them register people to vote, participate in politics, partisan or not. Especially considering how many young people are involved, it would be fantastic to create a young generation of civicly minded individuals who know how to utilize their political voices instead of just picking up trash or reading to kids.

I'm also really happy that this whole business kept me engaged today for as long as it did. I typically have a hard time writing or reading for thesis stuff for anytime more than an hour at a time. While that still happened, my breaks were shorter, and I was able to get back into it, really excited about the work I'm doing, even if I don't see it taking great shape currently--rough drafts are usually like that with me.

Today was also a beautiful day--one of my favorite kind of days out here in the Midwest. One day I will write more about what I mean and generate a list of all the things that I will miss about Ohio. I feel that it is only fair considering how much I bash this place. Until then, it is dinner time and then a hasty packing process must take place before heading out to housesit for a month.


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