Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Good Things and Bad Things

Good thing(s) consist of graduating this Saturday. I enjoyed the whole experience more than I thought that I would. The speaker ended up being some dude who served in the Peace Corps in Afganistan and had done lots of need peace keeping missions and foreign service-type work. He talked a lot about traveling, experiencing life, and how the Peace Corps had changed him. During his speech, he asked anyone who had volunteered during their time at BG to stand up, and I was very proud to be able to stand, having participated this fall semester in America Coming Together, along with some other small things that I have done while I was here. It was enough to make the little VISTA still inside proud. After that, he asked if anyone had done a study abroad to stand, and likewise, I was excited to be able to stand for that too, having studied in Russia last summer and having the experience convince me that the Peace Corps was something obtainable and desirable. He mentioned during the ceremony that he hoped that at least one person before him would join the Peace Corps, and I was certainly smiling at that moment, because amongst the crowd there was at least one: me! I'm thinking of sending him an e-mail (if I can get his address) thanking him for his words and letting him know that I'm about to begin my own journey this fall.

The bad things are numerous and frustrating. The yard sale was successful yesterday and full of incites. Today things were tragic and scary. This place is swarming with creepy folks. And yes, I say that in the least judgemental way possible. One lady would not buy my $1 lamp (yes, remember the pride I had yesterday about my items? GONE) until I showed her that it worked. This was when I had been talking to some strange fellow who told me that he was e-mailing this lady in Ukraine who was a "massage therapist" and that he was moving there and we should keep in touch. Who picks up and moves to Ukraine? France, sure. England, of course! But Ukraine? From America? No background in the language, culture, etc. Just some lady who is hot to trot, I guess. And he talked a lot about guns. So, this is going on when the lady who wants the lamp stops by and all I can think is, "Jesus, this is it, they are in it together and they will kill me and that will be that." But they didn't. And they weren't, and the fellow was kind enough to stand on the other side of the truck so that I could see him whilst I was inside with the woman who talked to herself and seemed... well, unstable. But she bought my lamp and I hope that it brings her warmth.

So, besides the sketchy folk and the people telling me "you'll never sell your bed. This week people can take their stuff out to the curb and people are picking it up." Everywhere people are dumpster diving for stuff left behind from people like myself. So I still have the bed, which is big and WILL NOT be coming home with me, which means that I won't get 25 cents for it, let alone a couple hundred dollars. And to top it all off, the kid I sold the furniture to, who I spoke so nicely about a few weeks ago, NEVER SHOWED UP. I leave on Tuesday morning at 10 am. He called and said that he'd be here this weekend to give me my money. I called twice and I have not heard back from him and I AM SCREWED if he doesn't give me the money. There is nothing that I can do about it, other than pee on it. Which I am tempted to do if he does not pay up.

While that is definitely my major concern, I'm also worried about getting everything into the car. A friend suggested and looked into taking extra stuff to a women's shelter, which I am totally down with, and will do. I am excited about that, because I'd rather my things go there than to the dumpster divers. I'll be damned if they get everything! If I do end up throwing my bed out, I'm totally going out of my way to throw different parts of it in different dumpsters. F*** them. If they wanted it, they should have paid $25. Oh yeah, and I'm going to pee on it.


Blogger Unknown said...

Happy to hear you're graduating this weekend.

What mark did you get?

9:44 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

Mark? I didn't get any Mark. Should I be angry about this? Did you get a Mark when you graduated? What kind of weird system do you have?

1:31 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

When I finished in York they just sent out our overall result before the ceremony took place.

Law College also sent out our final marks as a %

Thought your system might be along the lines of Pass, Merit/Commendation, Distinction...

5:27 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

I see you didn't get my lame joke meaning "Mark" like a boys name.

Anyway, here they don't really do that, you just have what is called your GPA (grade point average) that is typically based on a 4.0 scale (4.0 being an A, a 3.0 a B and so on). BG does not do A+ or A-, and so on. Because of this, I graduated with a 4.0, which I am not sure that I would have otherwise. For graduate school though, you don't get any distinction like "commendation, distinction" or even what undergraduates get, which is cum laude, magna cum laude, or summa cum laude, all of which are honors. At Alfred I was cum laude, which is the lowest of the three. I never wanted to be bothered that much with school work and didn't take anything too seriously. Actually, I still don't. Go figure.

5:57 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Aahhh... That joke's not dry enough for a Limey like me...

6:47 AM  

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