It's Over
So that is it. No more school. No more Bowling Green. No more Ohio. No more apartment.
Graduation was wonderful and really gave me some time to reflect on my life here and was an opportunity to evaluate my experiences, expectations, and work. I think that the best part about it, besides having my father there, was that during the actual ceremony I was able to sit by some of my colleagues who came in at the same time with me. We had conqueored this thing together and it felt good to share it with others. It was nice to be able to share that experience with them as well as catch up on what people are doing after graduation. Different directions. Different endings. Different beginnings.
There were undoubtedly many things that I disliked about this place, and I felt horribly lonely a majority of the time, but upon reflection, a lot of that was probably self inflicted, so I have no one to blame but myself. And time marches on anyway.
The packing and cleaning of the apartment was a vast nightmare. "Bobby" did eventually show up and pay me not $300, but $250 because someone had given him a couch for free. I am still a little angry about this, because a deal is a deal and I honestly just think that he thought about it and just didn't want to pay that much. But whatever. I gots my money, and that is all that matters. I also short changed the cleaning by $50, because I know that the agency is not going to clean anything really, and I did a decent job, just not a super job. However, that being said, I did have a lot of help last night as some friends came over to get the bed and stayed to help me clean. It made me regret that I didn't think things out better and wait an extra day and have some kick ass party somewhere, but at the same time, I know myself, and I like to leave out the back door and quietly. Although I still would like to do something like that East Coast style, but unfortunately all of you who are reading this live in various freaking parts of the country (or not even), so the best I am going to have to do is try and go see as many of you as possible. Boston would more than likely be the best play for a night out, but then I'd miss out on going to Vermont and Maine... We shall see. I still have no funds so this is so irrevlant anyway.
Despite frustrations, the loneliness, the heartache of November, I actually find myself somewhat sad about leaving Bowling Green. I know, whoda thunk it? But that's always the best way to go, isn't it? Don't stay too long or wear out your welcome. I still miss Lasell and certainly the girls, but I wasn't really all that sad about leaving Newton, even though Massachusetts completely rocked. I had stayed my two years, tried to instill some stuff, and moved on, albeit cautious about the new person coming in and having a hard time letting go of those close connections that I had made. But I knew it was time. One of my favorites commented about my name plate coming off the door a month or so before I left. "Leave it," she said, "it's a sign. It's time to go."
About a month ago, a photo I had up at my wall in Lawnview Apt. number 1 that has been a featured picture of the day (me at the Bowling Green stop in NYC) fell to the ground. I knew then I'd have to be ready.
Graduation was wonderful and really gave me some time to reflect on my life here and was an opportunity to evaluate my experiences, expectations, and work. I think that the best part about it, besides having my father there, was that during the actual ceremony I was able to sit by some of my colleagues who came in at the same time with me. We had conqueored this thing together and it felt good to share it with others. It was nice to be able to share that experience with them as well as catch up on what people are doing after graduation. Different directions. Different endings. Different beginnings.
There were undoubtedly many things that I disliked about this place, and I felt horribly lonely a majority of the time, but upon reflection, a lot of that was probably self inflicted, so I have no one to blame but myself. And time marches on anyway.
The packing and cleaning of the apartment was a vast nightmare. "Bobby" did eventually show up and pay me not $300, but $250 because someone had given him a couch for free. I am still a little angry about this, because a deal is a deal and I honestly just think that he thought about it and just didn't want to pay that much. But whatever. I gots my money, and that is all that matters. I also short changed the cleaning by $50, because I know that the agency is not going to clean anything really, and I did a decent job, just not a super job. However, that being said, I did have a lot of help last night as some friends came over to get the bed and stayed to help me clean. It made me regret that I didn't think things out better and wait an extra day and have some kick ass party somewhere, but at the same time, I know myself, and I like to leave out the back door and quietly. Although I still would like to do something like that East Coast style, but unfortunately all of you who are reading this live in various freaking parts of the country (or not even), so the best I am going to have to do is try and go see as many of you as possible. Boston would more than likely be the best play for a night out, but then I'd miss out on going to Vermont and Maine... We shall see. I still have no funds so this is so irrevlant anyway.
Despite frustrations, the loneliness, the heartache of November, I actually find myself somewhat sad about leaving Bowling Green. I know, whoda thunk it? But that's always the best way to go, isn't it? Don't stay too long or wear out your welcome. I still miss Lasell and certainly the girls, but I wasn't really all that sad about leaving Newton, even though Massachusetts completely rocked. I had stayed my two years, tried to instill some stuff, and moved on, albeit cautious about the new person coming in and having a hard time letting go of those close connections that I had made. But I knew it was time. One of my favorites commented about my name plate coming off the door a month or so before I left. "Leave it," she said, "it's a sign. It's time to go."
About a month ago, a photo I had up at my wall in Lawnview Apt. number 1 that has been a featured picture of the day (me at the Bowling Green stop in NYC) fell to the ground. I knew then I'd have to be ready.
congrats and good luck! i'm so excited for you and the next step. A day in boston would be great! Let me know when! (I'll just invite myself)
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