Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Letter to Americans

In what will probably go down as my biggest hit with my fourth course students, I gave them an assignment that they all really enjoyed. A few weeks ago we did a unit on letters and letter writing. I made them learn about and write "thank yous," "invitations," "acknowledgements," "complaints," condolences," and so on before I wielded out the "letter to an American student" homework. They seemed amused when I initially told them, but when I said that I would actually send the letters their eyes got big and you could see the combination of genuine fear and excitement in them.

Several of the letters stood out from the rest. The first one I read (by the same student featured in an earlier entry, "The Assignment") was excellent, mentionally all the natural beauty that can be found in Ukraine. I commented to her how well written it was and she replied, "I should be good at writing letters, it's my job. I work for an agency in town." "One of the marriage agencies?," I asked. "Yes. I write letters to the American men." Like it or hate it, the marriage/dating agencies are a part of life here in Ukraine (especially in my town and nearby Odessa) and they are a lot of teh times somewhat unseemly, from the men, to the women, and the folks who run the places. But that is a different entry for another day.

I ran out of time in that class editing and the second class I read another letter that merits a mention, as it in a similar vein. The student asked why American men are always coming to Ukraine looking for women. "I never hear of American women coming to look for Ukrainian men," she pointed out in her letter. This query prompted her to ask, "what is wrong with American women, anyway?" It was at that point that I burst out laughing and asked her if she'd let me nkow what the response was, because I also would like to know, although, I think I already have an idea.

I gave them a form for feedback on the course thus far to see what have been interesting and useful for them and this overwhelmingly has been a hit amongst the group.


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