Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Finally Back Home

Today, weary, tired, and exhausted I walked through my front door, put down my extremely heavy bag and was thankful that for once I had the decency to clean my apartment for a guest and that it was still clean for my arrival home.

In truth, I always feel a lot of self-pity when I return from a trip abroad. I think "Ukraine isn't as nice as ______" (fill in the blank) or, in this case too, I miss having someones company who is now so far away from me, so I feel especially lonely. I was left with lots of small presents, things like a Rolling Stone magazine with the Police on the cover. Burnt cds of music. Chocolates. All thoughtful. But after eating all the chocolates (and getting an upset stomach), and reading the magazine, I returned to being bummed out that the journey is over.

Then I reminded myself that I only have approximately 150 days left of service. This is not so much to cheer me up that I am almost done, but to energize me to accomplish all that I set out to do since I only have such a short time left. Personal and professional goals have not yet been achieved. I also need to remind myself of how fortunate I am to be doing service in a country like Ukraine, full of good people and a cooperative site.

And if all of that should fail to cheer me up and reinstate some excitement--I am leaving in a week for Istanbul... I can't really have it all that bad, can I?


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