Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Home Again Home Again. Now What?

Yesterday I arrived home in the evening after spending most of my morning in various airports up the east coast. I was welcomed home by flowers in Boston. I was upstaged by Latvian children in Philadelphia. But hey, I guess that is okay. They were orphans.

So now it is time to start getting a life back in order. If I have not called yet, which is, well, everyone currently, don't fret. I've been busy and will continue to be so until after I hit up Boston this upcoming week and start pounding the pavement. I've got a lot to do before I can relax and enjoy the holidays back in PA, which I will do, just after I get a solid week of looking for apartments and jobs in, so stay tuned.

In regards to this, the blog, the life I want it to have as my post-PC experience, I want to now use this to post pictures that I will now be developing or have been unable to post prior and share experiences that I before did not for a variety of reasons. I am sure that it will also become a transitioning zone for me as well, as I am seeing how difficult it can be. It's not the culture shock as it is a complete rerouting of my life, which I suppose I should be more excited and upbeat about than I am currently.

Anyway, I'll call/be in touch when I have the chance and more importantly, have something to report. Which could be, uh, months. Unless you have a couch in Boston.
Then I'll be calling you tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome Back Molly! I'm glad you had a safe trip.

4:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back, Molly! As we were signing in, Ed said, "Molly's coming home soon, right?" And lo and behold, you ARE home. We hope to see you at some point, although understand that you've got a bunch going on. Can't wait to see you.

--Susan and Ed

7:10 PM  

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