Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Vienna Day 3

The a.m. was filled with technical events--moving my huge bag from one train station storage unit to another and of course it took longer than planned, however most of the U had escalators, so it was almost painless.

I hustled back to the hostel to meet the other RPCVs who were coming into town. When they arrived, my friend realized that she had left her bag somewhere--either on the tram or on the platform and so that became out mission--to retrace all the steps and look for the bag in all trash cans. We talked to station guards, the police, the Embassy, and the Consulate (because the bag had her passport in it) but no luck anywhere.

We finally decided we did all that we could and went to St. Stephan's Cathedral and saw the Kaiser apartments and the Sissi Museum right before it closed, so we were not given an audio guide.

Afterwards we went to a Christmas market and ate Indian food, a pleasant meal for me since I've grown accustomed to being alone.

We went back to the hostel bar and hung out with the other RPCV before we decided to crash for the night while he partied on elsewhere.

It can't be said that this was a "great" day, but the company was certainly good and a ready change.


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