Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Cadiz, Ohio

A while back I suggested that I would stop hatin' on Ohio and try to educate you (and myself) about this glorious and underestimated state. In December, on my way back to Pennsylvania, I decided to take a different route than I had in the past. Instead of doing the boring Ohio Turnpike (80/90) to Interstate 76 around Youngstown and then the Pennsylvania Turnpike (which is simply evil), I decided that I would travel southeast thru Ohio, thru Wheeling, WVa., and then finally meet up in PA and take the evil turnpike home.

What I found out is that I have been robbed living up here in Northwest Ohio. Cleveland totally rocks, I hear that Columbus is lots of fun, and the Central east part of the state has Amish buggies and HILLS. HILLS, people. The closer to West Virginia one gets, the hills turn into MOUNTAINS, as that part of Ohio belongs to Applachia, afterall. Oh, it was beautiful, and my thoughts about how much I hated this land changed to awe. Why I had not travelled down to that part of the state before, I wondered? But then I remembered that some time ago, reading Foucault and other French philosophers was more important at the time.

Upon reaching a small town named Cadiz, I saw signs from the highway that read "Clark Gable Museum." I could not believe my luck. Gone with The Wind is my favorite movie of all time, I absolutely had to stop. While I found upon arrival that I had missed visiting hours (Fiddle Dee Dee) I swore that I'd return, because afterall, tomorrow is another day.... However, I've still not been able to check it out, but soon I will be. July I plan to take in all sorts of neat cultural Ohio gems and share them with all of you! It will be preparation for Ukraine, I suppose, except without any fears of nuclear power plant meltdowns.


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