Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Lucky Duckies!

Today I changed up the routine and was successful, until I went home. I decided to forgo the gym in the morning, work on my chapter, finish what needed to be done, come home, go to the gym, print out chapter, pack for Boston, take back books to the house, etc. I'm running behind now, because I had to pack and looking at all these piles of books is not exciting. I've got to renew some of them too, which likewise is not a fun task. Blah.

But while I was sitting out on the deck writing, I took a break to go and look in the creek and I saw 2 sets of ducks having a tete a tete. One was another typical duck couple, like my friend Charles and Camilla, but as this is about 10 miles away, I think that it is safe to assume that it is not the same couple. They seem to hang out at the creek pretty often, but I have not yet given them a name. I am open to suggestions.

The more interesting couple though were some other kind of duck, the like I've never seen before. They were both smaller than the other duck couple, with both having a bit of a plume to the back of their heads and the mallard had some red on him as well. The female, other than her size and mohawk, looked much like the other drake. However, upon spotting me, the couples abruptly stopped their tea, and went in opposite directions. I later went back to inspect and saw instead a groundhog and still the other duck couple. I hope to see them again though and take their photo so they can be identified.

Oh boy. I have got to pack.


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