Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


I am finally realizing how little time I have to do my thesis and revisions. The thesis portion of time was fine, even though I am a chapter behind. It was when my chair e-mailed me all the revisions she wants me to make on my introduction and first chapter that I realized that I would not be able to sleep for a month and I sobbed uncontrollably, as honestly, I just want to graduate.

So, today, and everyday, I will turn over (yet again) a new leaf. The second chapter (which is still a mess) will be turned in later this week, and the third chapter will be done in less than a weeks time. This is humanly possible. But it means no going to the gym every day like I had planned, and staying away from my apartment which has the internet.

Today I have done fairly well, and I'm off to the library in a few to print out the chapters, and a speech, get another book, and then heading back up to the house.

Yesterday I did find some time for fun--I am for a month responsible for taking care of the yard as well as the cats and house. As such, I thought that it was time to do mow the lawn. It's a big lawn, so I could only do part, and I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to figure the riding mower out, but I did okay and besides leaving little mohawks in patches on the lawn, it wasn't so bad. Fifth gear is FUN and I believe that sometime before the gig is up I should host some sort of riding lawnmower NASCAR-like race. Until then, I shall practice when I am not working.


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