Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

In Boston!

Yay! I have arrived for a quick weekend trip. On the plane I was able to finish editing up my chapter, which I am now revising for my 'editor' to look over. Unfortunately when I arrived in Boston, my bag did not. I was fortunate enough though to start up a conversation with the fellow at the US Airways baggage services area about all sorts of things: my luggage, college, the Air Force, Vietnam, politics, Purple Hearts, VISTA, drinking, the sixties, the Peace Corps, and so on. It was educational and made me forget how hungry and upset I was.

He said that the bag would probably be on the next flight to Boston from Philadelphia (my layover city) and that flight would be in a few minutes. So, the s.o. and I went upstairs where he enjoyed a Dunkin' Donuts coffee and I got a muffin to tide me over for the T ride back, and sure enough, my bag was there!

So here I am in Cambridge for the weekend, with the s.o. off in the kitchen cooking me dinner and me at the lap top editing away. Fun times, no doubt. I am really looking forward to tomorrow though, when I get to see so many students that I worked so closely with graduate. I can't wait!


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