Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Mission Accomplished

After being thwarted by the office secretary being out at lunch, I finally was able to turn in my second chapter, be it later than I would have liked (1:30pm). It did give me time to get my validation sticker for my BG ID and to pick up the loan check. I was disappointed with the amount of cash the feds were doling out to me this semester, and went to Financial Aid to see if there was any way of getting more. Nope. So it looks like my fancy plans of trips cross country or quick European adventures are over. Instead, after this is over, I should think about trying to find temporary work. *Ho-hum*

But there is no rest for the weary. Which is difficult for today, because it's a rainy wet day and makes me sleepy. Also, it hasn't really warmed up at all yet for the summer, which is disappointing overall. So, I should motivate myself for going to the gym for a half hour, before coming back to the apartment, cleaning up, and heading back up to play with the kitties and work on Chapter 3.

But how about a nap first!


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