Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


I hate mosquitoes.

My legs look like I have the chicken pox and the damn insects show no signs of stopping. Only recently did I come to terms with the fact taht some mosquitoes are actually in my apartment and biting me when I sleep. It finally got so bad that I took out the mosquito net a former PCV gave to me before he COSed and tried to rig it up over my bed without success. So I just draped it over me and feel asleep this way resigned to the probablility that it would not keep them off me. (And oh, did I mention that this other PCV used to keep this net over his compost pile complete with worms?)

After my left let had more than 30 bites on it, I decided to try for real. Attaching the hooks to nails and other objects it sort of looks decent, coming down from my light fixture and stretching at least over 1/2 of my bed, which is huge.

I was also given a plug-in Raid device to use. I plugged it in in the living room and hopefully this combination will do the trick. I'm running out of places to be bitten!


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