Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Off to Camp!

Today was the last day of training that will be done at my site for the camp that I am participating in. It's an ambitious and important project that has about 20 international students participating in three different weekly camps all over Ukraine. I am doing this first week and perhaps the third week, which is in the west, in a city called Ternopol, near where one of my linkmates lives.

This camp focuses on teaching civics, debate, and country studies, and has the students participate in a mock European Youth Parliament debate where they have to study an issue from their country (in my case, I will teach students about Sweden and its position on Ukraine's potential venture to join the EU) and then discuss and debate it and come up with a resolution. Most of the international students are also from FSU countries, although there are two Americans.

Should be interesting and fun, of course.

Life has been difficult as of late, and I haven't figured out if it has been a lack of having alone time or time at home. My language has gotten the worst it's ever been and I'm tired and frustrated a lot more easily lately. I'm in need of a pick me up for sure, so I'm trying to think creatively about how I can treat myself when the camp is over.

I should be back home in a week, so again, there will be silence on the site. When I come back I should have time to talk about the language refresher, Kharkiv, and the camp!


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